Category Archives: THE PAF METHOD

The PAF Method – Partnership Against Fear

The PAF method is an educational 4 steps method to overcome children’s fear.


Based on a partnership between children and parents, this method proposes to construct/ build/ create healthy, effective patterns to overcome fears but also patterns which enable parents and children to tackle various difficult situations.

baietelsingurelThe PAF method covers both intellectual and emotional development of the child and stimulates his intelligence and creativity while also reinforcing his self confidence.  Many parents were amazed to discover that using the simple secrets simples keys, they were able to greatly improve the behavior, knowledge, talents, skills and creativity of their child.

The basic principles of the PAF method can be also used when the child has no self-confidence, when he is shy,  when you want to prepare him for the arrival of a new baby or for his first day of school!  The PAF method does not deal with phobia! 

Any parent can use the PAF method. No need to have a PhD in Educational science and in Psychology. No need to have expensive teaching materials. No need for a particular area or a particular time. It is enough to be a loving parent.  We will work with  your skills, your talents, yours hobbies and interests. You will be amazed about your treasure, about how great you can be!

The PAF method is not a “schooling” method, it is a great adventure.  An adventure in which you and your child will share joy, happy time, love!

Copyright © 2014 simonaleroy

The PAF method course

The PAF METHOD course is divided into 4 modules, of approximately 20 minutes each. Each module corresponds at one step. Very simple, very clear.

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Starting from scratch I will guide you to get to something really exciting, a project, activities which will enable you to overcome fear and to improve your child’s life. Step by step I will give you some secret keys. I will help you put together everything you and your child do and love best.

Step 1: we will observe the fear. Why fear occurs in children?  I will explain you fear in terms of simple factors that enable you to act effectively.

Step 2 : we will turn our attention to the child. We will look closely at his talents, his skills and his strategies in order to solve a problem.

Step 3, I will show you secret keys, and basic principles which are very simple but highly effective against fear and various other problems of your child.

In the last step I will show you how to use the information obtained in the previous modules and how to articulate the action plan. I will show you how to use each little success in order to better prepare your child for life. 

 ! Everything you learn in this course can be used to solve other problems of your child !

Copyright © 2014 simonaleroy