10 Strategies to create a supporting and stimulating environment

1. Offer to your child a good balance between wonderful toys, games, books and instruments and raw materials 

2. Provide to your child an easy access to books, tools, games needed.

3. Expose your child to a variety of ways of learning and to a variety of activities.

4. Provide for your child, each day a balanced schedule, the right routine and the necessary news

 5. Use the attitude towards errors which match the intelligence of your child that you want to develop

6. Teach your child to enjoy the happy feelings of working with passion &  be successful 

7. In times of failure, be a partner for your child

8. Take into account all the manifestations of child’s intelligence, aptitudes and talents 

9. Channel every thing that culturally speaking is  negative into something positive

10. Always look with caution the cultural rules